e4 character
Generic Dialog Box
Some generic introductory text.

New character
Point Value 
Point Limits  pts in disads pts in quirks
Ruleset  Tech Level 
Random Character Generation
If this section is open, choices entered here will be used with those above to generate a 'random' character.
Open local character file
Open remote character file
Enter or paste valid URL:

The server where the file is kept may need to have CORS enabled. Only JSON files created by JCSP will be compatible.

Save a custom Template
The attributes, traits, and skills in this character sheet will be packaged into a template.
Template name:

Load library file
Base Ruleset Library
Available Supplemental Libraries
Loaded Supplemental Libraries
    Speed/Range Mod Calculator

    Combined Speed/Range modifiers require that range must be converted to yards (meters), speed must be converted to yds/sec (m/s), and these two numbers added, followed by a lookup on the Speed/Range Table (B3E201 or B4E550). This tool lets you do all that using drop-downs instead. If you want to use values or units that aren't in the table, enter them in the inputs.

    Collision/Fall Damage Calculator
    An object in a collision inflicts dice of crushing damage equal to
    (HP × velocity)/100.
    If an object is bullet-shaped, sharp, or spiked, it does half damage, but this damage is piercing, cutting, or impaling, rather than crushing.

    Fall stats are optional; for other collisions just enter a Collision speed below.

    See Basic Set p. 131 for more detail.

    See Basic Set p. 430 for more detail.

    Roller Tool
    Name Generator Tool
    Select a culture, then click on the Name, Family, Clan buttons to generate random names.

    Reports and Charts
    Character Reports for
    Summary of character Spell College statistics
    Lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling, digging, etc.
    Running, hiking, swimming, jumping, flying, etc.
    Throwing stuff; distances and damage

    The controls below create and display tables, formatted to look similar to those found in the GURPS rule books. These reports will be generated using this ruleset:

      Pop-Up Charts
      Ruleset Reports

      Items from all currently loaded libraries will be included. Links open in a new browser window.

      Ads and Disads
      Glossary of Skills
      Glossary of Spells; grouped by
      Glossary of basic Equipment
      Glossary of Armor & Shields
      Glossary of Weapons
      Templates and Meta-Traits, with summaries
      Size/Speed/Range Modifiers Table, comprehensive

      Many columns in these reports are sortable; but due to a poor choice of algorithm, sorting is LUDICROUSLY SLOW. Use this feature with a sense of humor.
      The speed will be improved in a later release.

      Character Art
      Copy/paste the path you navigated to above into this text box: You may use an absolute file path, or a relative path to a local file based on the location of this HTML file. The file browser above will likely not show the path to the file, but the file browser window it opens will. You may also use an internet URL.
      Edit Advantage or Disadvantage
      edit advantages list
      Edit Skill
      Edit Equipment
      Cost $ + $ Weight  lbs
      Tech Level  Legality 
      Quality Group  Weapon ST 
      Attack Options new attack option using skill
      PD DR / HP
       Protection  Shield Damage  /
      Passive Defense 
      Damage Resistance 
      Coverage full suit
      skull eyes
      dom arm waist off arm
      dom hand off hand
      dom leg off leg
      dom foot off foot
      Edit Linkers
      Edit Linker

      Modify Character Information
      Height  in Weight  lbs Age  yrs
      Race  Ruleset 
      Modify Game Settings
      Player  Game Master 
      Campaign  Tech Level 
      Disads, etc. points limit  Quirks points limit 
      Basic Starting Wealth $
      Color Theme 
      Character Art Watermark 
      Units System 
      List Overflow
        scrollbar supplemental
      Select Advantage / Disadvantage
      Sort by:
      Custom Advantage / Disadvantage
      If this section is open, stats entered here will be used with those above to create a custom advantage or disadvantage and attach it to the character.
      Create a Quirk or Perk
      This is a
      Create a Talent group
      Talent Group name
      Build Talent Group of

      Choose skills to include:
      Skills included so far:

      This Talent will cost 5 points/level
      Sort by:
      attribute / difficulty
      Custom Skill
      If this section is open, stats entered here will be used with those above to create a custom skill/spell and attach it to the character.
      Define a Technique (ne'e Maneuver)
      Technique name 
      Default from 
      Cost table 
      Choose Language
      Language Options
      Language name 
      Language is 
      Language comprehension 
      Spoken Written
      (1 point/level each)
      Choose Cultural Familiarities
      or specify a culture 
      Culture is 
      Use a Template/Metatrait
      Select Basic Equipment
      Sort by:
      To see only equipment from Tech Levels at or below that of the character, uncheck the Tech Level filter below.
      How many:
      Custom Equipment
      If this section is open, stats entered here will be used to create custom equipment.
      Select Weapon
      Sort list by:
      How many:
      Select weapon quality:
      Custom Weapon
      If this section is open, stats entered here will be used to create a custom weapon.
      Select Armor
      Sort list by:
      How many:
      Custom Armor
      If this section is open, stats entered here will be used to create customized armor.
      Select Shield
      How many 
      Custom Shield
      If this section is open, stats entered here will be used to create a customized shield.
      Select Equipment

      Sort list by:
      How many:
      Select equipment quality:
      Custom Equipment
      If this section is open, stats entered here will be used to create custom equipment.
      Manage Equipment Collections
      All Owned Equipment
       Click on an item to copy it into the collection.
       Click on an item to remove it from the collection.
         collections below to 
      Select Equipment Use Skill
      Select skill with which to use the weapon
      Choose Specializations
      Edit List

      Drag list items to rearrange the list. Use buttons to add headers or spacers. Double-click headers/spacers to remove. Items can’t be edited or deleted here.

      Skill Cost Table
      physical skills
      Your Final Difficulty of Skill
      Skill Level Easy Average Hard Very Hard
      DX-3½ point
      DX-2½ point 1 point
      DX-1½ point 1 point 2 points
      DX 1 point 2 points4 points
      DX+12 points4 points8 points
      DX+24 points8 points16 points
      DX+38 points16 points24 points
      DX+416 points24 points32 points
      DX+524 points32 points40 points
      Your Final Difficulty of Skill
      Skill Level Easy Average Hard Very Hard
      IQ-4½ point
      IQ-3½ point 1 point
      IQ-2½ point 1 point 2 points
      IQ-1½ point 1 point 2 points4 points
      IQ 1 point 2 points4 points8 points
      IQ+12 points4 points6 points12 points
      IQ+24 points6 points8 points16 points
      IQ+36 points8 points10 points20 points
      IQ+48 points10 points12 points24 points
      IQ+510 points12 points14 points28 points

        Further increases follow the same progressions: 8 additional points per level for physical skills, 4 per level for very hard mental skills, 2 per level for other mental skills. There is no limit (except lifespan) to the amount of improvement possible with any skill. But the useful maximum for most skills is in the 20 to 30 range, since problems to challenge a greater skill may not be common.

      Your Final       Difficulty of Skill      
      Skill Level Easy Average Hard Very Hard
      Attribute-21 2
      Attribute-11 2 4
      Attribute+01 2 4 8
      Attribute+12 4 8 12
      Attribute+24 8 1216
      Attribute+38 121620
      Extra +1 +4+4+4+4
      Basic Damage Table
      basic weapon damage
      of attacker
      Thrusting attack
      (fist, spear, etc.)
      Swinging attack
      (sword, club, etc.)
      1* 1d-9 1d-9
      2* 1d-8 1d-8
      3* 1d-7 1d-7
      4* 1d-6 1d-6
      5 1d-5 1d-5
      6 1d-4 1d-4
      7 1d-3 1d-3
      8 1d-3 1d-2
      9 1d-2 1d-1
      10 1d-2 1d
      11 1d-1 1d+1
      12 1d-1 1d+2
      13 1d 2d-1
      14 1d 2d
      15 1d+1 2d+1
      16 1d+1 2d+2
      17 1d+2 3d-1
      18 1d+2 3d
      19 2d-1 3d+1
      20 2d-1 3d+2
      21 2d 4d-1
      22 2d 4d
      23 2d+1 4d+1
      24 2d+1 4d+2
      25 2d+2 5d-1
      26 2d+2 5d
      27 3d-1 5d+1
      28 3d-1 5d+1
      29 3d 5d+2
      30 3d 5d+2
      31 3d+1 6d-1
      32 3d+1 6d-1
      33 3d+2 6d
      34 3d+2 6d
      35 4d-1 6d+1
      36 4d-1 6d+1
      37 4d 6d+2
      38 4d 6d+2
      39 4d+1 7d-1
      40 4d+1 7d-1
      45 5d 7d+2
      50 5d+2 8d-1
      55 6d 8d+1
      60 7d-1 9d
      65 7d+1 9d+2
      70 8d 10d
      75 8d+2 10d+2
      80 9d 11d
      85 9d+2 11d+2
      90 10d 12d
      95 10d+2 12d+2
      70 8d 10d
      10011d 13d
      11012d 14d
      12013d 15d
      and so on: +1d for each full 10 points of added ST.

      * Printed editions show damage for ST 4 and below as “0.” PDF editions show the damage values given in the table above.

      STThrustSwing STThrustSwing
      1 1d-6 1d-5 27 3d-1 5d+1
      2 1d-6 1d-5 28 3d-1 5d+1
      3 1d-5 1d-4 29 3d 5d+2
      4 1d-5 1d-4 30 3d 5d+2
      5 1d-4 1d-3 31 3d+1 6d-1
      6 1d-4 1d-3 32 3d+1 6d-1
      7 1d-3 1d-2 33 3d+2 6d
      8 1d-3 1d-2 34 3d+2 6d
      9 1d-2 1d-1 35 4d-1 6d+1
      10 1d-2 1d 36 4d-1 6d+1
      11 1d-1 1d+1 37 4d 6d+2
      12 1d-1 1d+2 38 4d 6d+2
      13 1d 2d-1 39 4d+1 7d-1
      14 1d 2d 40 4d+1 7d-1
      15 1d+1 2d+1 45 5d 7d+1
      16 1d+1 2d+2 50 5d+2 8d-1
      17 1d+2 3d-1 55 6d 8d+1
      18 1d+2 3d 60 7d-1 9d
      19 2d-1 3d+1 65 7d+1 9d+2
      20 2d-1 3d+2 70 8d 10d
      21 2d 4d-1 75 8d+2 10d+2
      22 2d 4d 80 9d 11d
      23 2d+1 4d+1 85 9d+2 11d+2
      24 2d+1 4d+2 9010d 12d
      25 2d+2 5d-1 9510d+2 12d+2
      26 2d+2 5d 10011d 13d
      Add 1d to both thrust and swing damage per full 10 points of ST above 100.
      Long Distance Mods Table
        Use these skill modifiers for “Seek” spells, and for other specified spells which work over a long distance.

      Distance Penalty
      Less than 100 yards 0
      Up to a half-mile -1
      Up to a mile -2
      Up to 3 miles-3
      Up to 10 miles-4
      Up to 50 miles-5
      Up to 100 miles-6
      Up to 300 miles-7
      Up to 1,000 miles-8
       Another -1 for each additional 1,000 miles.
       Also, subtract 1 from effective skill for each “known” item you choose to ignore in your search. For instance, you would need to ignore the water in your canteen when you cast Seek Water in the desert!
      Use these modifiers for Information spells that work over long distances, such as “Seek” spells. Certain advantages also use these range penalties. If the distance falls between two values, use the higher.

      Distance Penalty
      Up to 200 yards 0
      ½ mile -1
      1 mile -2
      3 miles-3
      10 miles-4
      30 miles-5
      100 miles-6
      300 miles-7
      1000 miles-8
      Add another -2 per additional factor of 10.
      Monthly Cost of Living Table Table
      status and cost of living
      Level Fantasy/Medieval Example;
      Monthly Cost of Living
      Modern Western Example;
      Monthly Cost of Living
       8Divine ruler: $50,000+ No equivalent
       7King, pope: $20,000+ President: $20,000+
       6Prince, duke, archbishop: $10,000 Governor, senator: $10,000
       5Baron, count, bishop: $5,000 Corporate head: $8,000
       4Landed lord: $2,500 Who’s Who: $6,000
       3Lesser lord: $1,500 Large-city mayor: $4,000
       2Knight, mayor, great merchant: $800Mayor: $2,400
       1Squire, captain, merchant: $400 Doctor, councilman: $1,200
       0Freeman: $200 Ordinary citizen: $600
      –1Bondsman or servant: $100 Poor: $300
      –2Outsider, underworld: $50 Street beggar
      –3Street beggar: $50 No equivalent
      –4Serf or slave: $50 No equivalent
      Status Examples Cost of Living
       8Emperor, god-king, overlord $600,000,000
       7King, pope, president $60,000,000
       6Royal family, governor $6,000,000
       5Great noble, multinational corporate boss $600,000
       4Lesser noble, congressional representative, Who’s Who$60,000
       3Landed knight, guild master, big city mayor $12,000
       2Landless knight, mayor, business leader $3,000
       1Squire, merchant, priest, doctor, councilor $1,200
       0Freeman, apprentice, ordinary citizen $600
      –1Bondsman, poor citizen $300
      –2Serf, street person $100
      Point Total

      Size Modifier
      Unspent Pts

        Level Points   Level Current Points
      ST   [ ] HP   [ ]
      DX   [ ] Will     [ ]
      IQ   [ ] Per     [ ]
      HT   [ ] FP   [ ]
      BASIC LIFT (ST × ST)/5
        DAMAGE Thr

        BASIC MOVE
      None (0) = BL BM × 1 Dodge
      Light (1) = × BL BM × 0.8   Dodge -1
      Medium (2) = × BL BM × 0.6   Dodge -2
      Heavy (3) = × BL BM × 0.4   Dodge -3
      X-Heavy (4) = × BL BM × 0.2   Dodge -4
      You may copy or print this form for personal use only. Copyright © 2017 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved.
      Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game
      Name Level Points
      Name Level Points
       * If your character doesn’t have spells, use this space to keep track of magic items or other special gear.
      Attributes and Secondary Characteristics  []
      Languages  []
      Advantages  []
      Disadvantages and Quirks  []
      Skills  [0]
      Spells  [0]
       Coins are 50 to the pound regardless of composition.
      Ordinary coins:
      1 copper = $1
      1 silver = 20 copper = $20
      1 gold = 20 silver = 400 copper
        = $400
      Unusual coins:
      1 billon = 10 copper = $10
      1 tumbaga = 3 silver = 60 copper
        = $60
      1 electrum = 10 silver = 200
        copper = $200
      1 platinum = 2 gold = 40 silver
        = 800 copper = $800
      You may copy or print this form for personal use only.
      Copyright © 2017 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved.
      Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game
      Weapon Damage Reach Parry Notes
      Cost Weight
      Weapon Damage Acc Range Shots ST Bulk Notes
      Cost Weight
       For the complete table, see Exploits, pp. 97-98. Each 10× increase in lin­ear measurement gives -6 to speed/range modifier.
      2 yards or less 0
      3 yards -1
      5 yards -2
      7 yards -3
      10 yards -4
      15 yards -5
      20 yards -6
      30 yards -7
      50 yards -8
      70 yards -9
      100 yards-10
      150 yards-11
      200 yards-12
      300 yards-13
      500 yards-14
      700 yards-15
       For the complete table, see Exploits, pp. 97-98. Each 10× increase in lin­ear measurement gives -6 to speed/range modifier.
      2 m or less 0
      3 meters -1
      4.5 meters -2
      7 meters -3
      10 meters -4
      15 meters -5
      20 meters -6
      30 meters -7
      45 meters -8
      70 meters -9
      100 meters-10
      150 meters-11
      200 meters-12
      300 meters-13
      450 meters-14
      700 meters-15
      Mod.  Location
      0 Torso
      -2 Arm/Leg
      -4 Hand/Foot
      -5 Face/Neck
      -7 Skull
      -9 Eye*

       * Impaling or piercing attacks only.

      You may copy or print this form for personal use only. Copyright © 2017 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved.
      Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game
      Cost of Living: $150/week.
      Recharging Power Item: $5/FP.
      Hirelings: $200/week if 62 points, $400/week if 125 points.
      Training in New Abilities: $40/point if on template,
        $80/point if off template (on top of point cost!). This is
      optional – ask the GM.
      Buying Off Starting Physical or Supernatural
        $100/point (on top of point cost!).
      Basic Healing: $2/HP, to a maximum of $100.
      Cure Physical Affliction (disease, poison, etc.): $50.
      Cure Supernatural Affliction (petrifaction, shapeshifting,
      etc.): $100.
      Repair Lasting/Permanent Crippling:: $750/body part.
      Repair Dismemberment:: $1,600/body part.
      Resurrection:: $15,000.
      You may copy or print this form for personal use only.
      Copyright © 2017 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved.
      Profession Builder

      This tool will create a new character using one of the Professional Templates from Dungeon Fantasy: Adventurers. When you choose a racial template, a new character will be loaded with the attributes for that race. You will then select a Profession, and then your new character will be constructed in steps as you choose advantages, disadvantages, and skills.

      grimoire of
      Spell Name Class Time to Cast Duration Cost to Cast Cost to Maintain Notes